There is hardly anyone who hasn't been affected in this difficult time. It is arguable that students were one of the worst affected group of people. In this post, I'll be giving you my point of view as a student during this pandemic, as well as a few of my friends' points of view (because one point of view isn't always the best!).
Opinions on this topic have been mostly mixed; however, my experience as a student has been overall positive, with a few drawbacks and cons.
As stated by my first post (if you haven't read that yet, please check it out!), it gave me more time to get ahead and prepare for the next school year, and I had extra time to do things I liked, such as read, draw, and play video games. However, that isn't to say there aren't any cons. For example, communication has been a bit of a pain; if you have questions about an assignment and it's after school hours, you're basically like a ship in stagnant water: you can try to paddle but it probably won't help too much. Another con is a heavier reliance on self-studying material. I found myself relearning material that was already taught in class, which I had a poor understanding of.
However, after getting used to this, I had an increased sense of responsibility, and after a little while, I would even start to enjoy having some extra learning to do. However, I am sure many fellow students have very, very different opinions from me.
One of my friends stated that this pandemic has made it far more difficult to learn newer concepts, however, school is "overall easier," in his opinion. Other friends have stated that it has been difficult for them to stay motivated and on task, and actually argue that the stress level is higher due to factors like procrastinating, not understanding the material, etc.
How has your daily life been affected by this pandemic? Please feel free to comment and let me know!